Do I Need A Property Manager?
Short answer: YES! Owning property is a huge commitment. Including the necessity of collecting rent, you’ll have to deal with routine maintenance, emergency repairs, as well as the back-end operations like bookkeeping and documentation. If you have or are planning for multiple properties then multiply that workload by at least two. Having a property manager saves you the most valuable resource of all: TIME. Your time is valuable, it’s priceless and sometimes it’s not always yours. You may have other commitments, perhaps a job, a family, or other properties that might not be located near you. Having a property manager will remove the stress of having to be in two places at once and give you more time to tend to other life affairs while still reaping the benefits of ownership.
Why should I choose your company?
Newport Street Property Management’s core focus is entirely built around being different from competing management companies. We provide comprehensive service with customized pricing options and throw in a heavy dose of personality! Our communication is top-notch! Getting to know you is what we do best. After employing our services you’ll soon find that our phone calls will get shorter and shorter.
We’ll quickly start answering your questions before you ask them! Once we know what you need and what you want, we adopt a proactive approach towards addressing current and future objectives. You will soon find that the only thing you’ll have to do is say “yes” or “no” to one of our suggestions, as everything else will be running smoothly in the background.
What should you know about our pricing?
We price once we have a clear understanding of the services you need and use a simple two-tiered model: Percentage of income versus flat rate. The tier that you are charged is largely determined by the type and number of services that you require.
To ensure that you don’t feel like you’re missing out on anything, we price match on quotes from competing companies.
What is our typical process when working with a new customer?
If you call us, we will do a general inquiry call on the spot to understand exactly what you need. If you filled out an online inquiry form or texted us, we’ll call you as soon as possible. Once the needed and suggested services are agreed upon you will be sent a proposal. Upon receipt of the fully executed proposal, we will provide you a service schedule and assign a team member. The services will be carried out as per the specifications of the schedule. If there are any concerns or alterations you have in mind with the schedule, simply call and let us know.
Who handles the middle of the night emergency calls?
We do! When tenants or customers have an issue, you won’t be bothered, regardless of what time it is. We’re on call on your behalf! The only calls you’ll have to deal with will be from us when we need to give you updates. Other than that, clear your mind, free your ears, and leave the rest to us.
What types of customers have we worked with in the past?
We have extensive experience working with:
Real Estate investors and developers
Co-op board members.
How will you find tenants for my property?
We utilize a proactive campaign in which your properties, along with photos, will be advertised on various rental marketing directories like zillow.com and rentals.com.
Prospective applicants will be thoroughly screened. We will provide them with a Property Information Sheet containing all the necessary information.
Before handing out the PIS, we fix any minor physical problems regarding the property and discuss any major problems with you before disclosing them.
How much will my investment property lease for?
The lease rate is determined by several market factors. The property’s condition, its location, as well as the rental rates for properties within the local area, will all influence the final rate that your property leases. Due to the varying nature of these markets, it’s not practical to give an example of a determined rate here. If you have a specific property in mind, please contact us and we can give you a clearer picture of what your rate would be based on the information you provide us.
What happens in the event the property needs an emergency repair?
Any minor emergency repairs will be handled by us through tenant requests submitted via e-mail, written letter, or a direct phone call. Essential repairs that cost less than $250 will be made automatically and billed on your next statement. If a repair is estimated to cost more than $250, we’ll give you a call and go with your instructions on how to proceed.
What advice do we give customers looking to hire a property manager?
Come into the conversation knowing exactly what services you’ll need and the ones you won’t. Make sure to vet them properly as well. Ask questions regarding their reliability, response time, and make sure to ask for references that can verify their answers. And follow up on these references! You’ll want to make sure that they are as timely, organized, and great to work with as they claim.